GAF GAFont Headliner

Manufacturer: Pierce Division of Kroy Industries Inc. for GAF Corp.

Model: Headliner

Y.O.M: ca 1970s

Serial No.: 0-0610 10599


Acquired: 2013


GAFont Headliner outputs a line of type, dry-imprinted on a tape, ready for pasting. Founded in 1925, IG Farben, a German conglomerate in chemical and pharmaceutical, was the result of a merger of six companies, including BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, and Agfa.

During the years leading to and during WW-II, IG Farben became a major contractor in the Nazi government. In 1941, assets of its American holdings (General Aniline & Film Corporation) were seized by the US government as enemy property, which was then sold in 1965. After several mergers, the company changed its name to GAF Corporation in 1968.

Our GAFont Headliner was manufactured by Pierce Division of Kroy Industries Inc. for GAF Corp.

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