Manufacturer: Edwin Alden & Bro., Cincinnati, OH, USA
Y.O.M: ca 1885
Serial No.:
Size: 7" x 10"
Restored: 2018
In 1874, William Clark and Joshua Daughaday registered a patent for their design and invention, and started making the Model Job Presses in Philadelphia, PA. Our Model #3 Job Press was manufactured by Alden & Bro., a press manufacturer in Cincinnati, Ohio, during the short stint after Daughaday was rumoured to have gone bust in 1885.
The Model Job Press history was rather cloudy and full of negative rumours and allegations which might have been started by competitors. Ownership might have remained with Daughaday, as Model Press Co. continued operating under the same name, until the business was sold to Robert W. Tunis Mfg. Co. in the beginning of the 20th century. The company name was then changed to The Model Printing Press Co.
In 1912, W.H. Wilson, the manager of the company, bought the business from Tunis, changed the name again to Model Press Co., and moved the manufacturing facility to York, PA. Six years later, in 1918, the company closed down and the production of Model Job Presses ceased in America. On the other hand, Model Job Presses enjoyed greater success in UK, and were produced until 1960s.
Our Model Job Press is a #3, 7" x 10" inside chase dimensions, floor model, with foot pedal and with "Alden's Model Job Press - Cincinnati O" on the wheel.