Manufacturer: Nederlandsche Snelpersenfabriek N.V., Amsterdam, Holland
Y.O.M: 1954
Serial No.: 1766
Size: 15-3/4¨ x 22-1/64¨
Restored: 2019
The Dutch-made Mercedes is a rather unique and rare example of the Leipzig, Germany's inventor, Paul Glöckner. Known as a "Stop Cylinder Press," this design has the impression of a cylinder coming to a stop each revolution while the bed returns. Several other versions have appeared in Germany since 1939, but this Mercedes, manufactured by the Nederlandsche Snelpersenfabriek N.V. of Amsterdam, is a very rare find.
The Mercedes Glöckner achieved reasonable success almost exclusively in Europe and the UK. Virtually no machines made it to North America, and HIW imported our Glöckner from Belgium in 2014. As late as the mid-1980s, an East German version (VEB Druckautomatenwerk- OPTIMA) was still being manufactured. With the Dutch version inclusive of three suction bars - two for feeding, one for delivery, the Mercedes makes quite a statement when in operation. A classic!